Out-of-Stock Out-of-Stock Eco-Architecture Small Eco Houses €30.00 ISBN 978-84-96823-75-4 These houses are built to make the best use of renewable resources and designed to guarantee environmental protection and the health of the community. Ecological housing has in fact ceased to be the choice of just a few radical ecologists to become one of the fastest developing interests in modern society. Layout: 19,5 X 24 cm... View
Out-of-Stock Out-of-Stock Residential Architecture LOW COST ARCHITECTURE €9.95 ISBN 978-84-96429-38-3 This book gathers together a selection of solutions that respond to scarce budgets in particularly imaginative ways. Layout: 20,3 X 20,5 cm Pages: 96 Cover: Softcover Preview View
Out-of-Stock Out-of-Stock Residential Architecture STAIRS €24.90 ISBN 978-84-96096-93-6 Stairways tend to be loaded with symbolism, and the fact they are seen as a secondary element as well as a necessary one should not interfere with the fact that they are elements which can display somewhat... Layout: 21,5 x 25,5 cm Pages: 224 Cover: Softcover Preview View
Out-of-Stock Out-of-Stock Residential Architecture TOWN HOUSES €35.00 ISBN 84-96429-16-4 Layout: 25 X 25 cm Pages: 192 Cover: Hard cover + jacket View
Out-of-Stock Residential Architecture BUILDING & LIGHT SOLD OUT ISBN 978-84-15223-16-0 This book, contrary to what they might seem, a mere compilation for the so-called “problem-solutions” of construction, is a compendium of architecture where the solutions are shown in all their honesty... Layout: 21,5 x 25,5 cm Pages: 224 Cover: Softcover View
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Cabins & Tree Houses TINY MOBILE HOMES. Small space – Big freedom ISBN: 978-84-16500-92-5 It’s about swapping luxury for freedom. These houses are built on a trailer so they can be transported and are more complete than a caravan, with a high quality design finish. Layout: 17 x 23 cm Pages: 144 Cover: Hardcover Preview Add to cart